Infection Control

Long Furlong Medical Centre

45 Loyd Close | Abingdon | Oxon | OX14 1XR


Infection Control Annual Statement 2022-23


This annual statement will be generated each year.  It will summarise:


  • Any infection transmission incidents and action taken (these will be reported in accordance with our Significant Event procedure)
  • The annual infection control audit and actions taken.
  • Control risk assessments undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Details of infection control advice to patients
  • Any review and update of policies, procedures and guidelines.
  • Identify lead personnel for infection control.


Accountability and Responsibilities

The Practice Lead for Infection Control and Decontamination is: RGN Alison Plaistow 

The Practice Manager, Debbie Major, has responsibility to ensure compliance with legislation and national guidance for Infection prevention and control and for cleanliness.


Significant Events

In the past year (1 April 2022 – 31 Mar 2023) there have been no significant events raised that relate to infection control.



The following audits are completed each year:


  • Infection Control Inspection Audit – Completed in June 2023 by PN, Alison Plaistow and PM, Debbie Major. Actions identified following the audit include:



Delegated Responsibility.

Floor & Work surfaces to be kept clear of clutter





Risk Assessment

Regular risk assessments are undertaken to minimise the risk of infection and to ensure the safety of patients and staff.  The following risk assessments relating to infection control have been completed and appropriate actions have been taken.


  • Children’s toys – have been removed since March 2020
  • Disposal of clinical waste
  • Healthcare associated infections & occupational infections
  • Needle stick injuries
  • Use of PPE
  • Use of sharps boxes
  • Risk of body fluid spills




To support our prescribing of antibiotics we use a system protocol that requires us to justify when we are considering prescribing a high risk antibiotic.


Cleaning specifications, frequencies and cleanliness of equipment

The Practice has appointed Thames Valley Cleaning  as their cleaning contractor of choice.  The company has a wealth of knowledge and experience of cleaning standards required in general practice to comply with infection control and health & safety.  Cleaning specifications are set in liaison with their representative and standards monitored daily by the Practice Manager.


The Practice has adopted an environmental cleaning policy for clinical and non-clinical staff to follow. 




All consulting and treatment rooms have disposable curtains.  All windows are fitted with washable vertical blinds.



Hard flooring is in all patient areas, including the waiting room, corridors, consulting and treatment rooms.



All seating in patient areas is of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal fabrics and vinyls. 


Staff Training

All practice staff, clinical and non-clinical are required to participate in regular training for the management and control of HCAIs and hand washing techniques.  To facilitate this we have access to on-line training material which staff are required to complete at regular and appropriate intervals according to their role.



Patients who are thought to have an infection that may be contagious e.g. chickenpox are, when possible, isolated on arrival at reception.


There have been no reported cases of MRSA or Clostridium-difficile acquired in the Practice.


Patients are asked to wear face coverings and to use antibacterial gel to combat cross infection.  Dispensers are available throughout the practice including the waiting room.

We will ensure that patients with infections are treated promptly, appropriately and provided with the relevant information.


Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

Policies relating to infection prevention and control will be reviewed as current advice changes and updated annually if appropriate.

Debbie Major

Practice Manager | July 2023