Patient Participation Group


Who We Are

Your Patient Participation Group (PPG) presently consists of 16 patients. 12 are able to attend our quarterly, on-line “Teams” Meetings, 4 are email only members. All are volunteers, who support and influence healthcare at Long Furlong Surgery by offering the patient’s perspective. At our meetings we are joined by a GP Partner and the Practice Manager

What We Do

Our purpose is:
• To provide a patient perspective of the practice
• To gather views and feedback from patients
• To help improve the experience of patients attending the surgery.
• To improve communication through the practice website as well as through noticeboards, emails, texts and social media.
• To share ideas to help patients to take more responsibility for their own health and to help improve the services offered by the practice.
• To act as a representative group that can be called upon to influence the local provision of health and social care.

What the PPG Doesn’t Do

We do not deal with personal medical issues or complaints, as there are already well-established procedures that deal with these.

How can you let us know your views/opinion and/or contact us to discuss non-personal issues that you feel may affect the wider patient population?

You can email us at

We are not able, nor would it be appropriate, for us to discuss personal issues that should be raised with the practice manager or GP.

How can you become a member? All patients of Long Furlong Surgery are able to become members of the Patient Participation Group. There is no membership or joining fee and no training is required. If you wish to:
• Join us
• Give us your views/feedback
• or just find out more

• Click on the link below
• Mail the PPG at
• or leave your details at reception for the attention of the PPG Secretary.

We are very keen to recruit younger patients and patients with young families.

What commitment is required on your part if you would like to join?

We meet online quarterly and that meeting takes up to 90 minutes.

We ask you to give your views about issues at the practice and possibly upcoming changes at the meeting or by email.

We have a low volume of emails with an occasional flurry if there is an important issue to discuss.

In summary, it is a low time commitment with occasional emails and if you can attend a quarterly meeting.

It is important to mention that we have recently introduced an occasional face-to-face social meeting for coffee.

Getting Your View

The group would like to contact patients on occasion by email and/or text so that they can obtain the views of the widest group of patients possible. We would like to obtain your email address and mobile phone number to do this. Please complete the Patient Contact Form to provide your consent for this.