Illness and Medical Help
If you need medical advice about Coronavirus symptoms please use the online 111 covid-19 service or call 111.
For all other medical concerns during normal working hours please call us, or use e-consult if non-urgent. If required, our Patient Services Team can arrange a telephone call with a doctor or nurse. If necessary the doctor/nurse can arrange a video consultation or arrange to see you in the surgery.
Oxford University Hospitals Update
From the OUH website…
“The Trust would like to remind people that their Emergency Departments are still available to those who need urgent medical care, and of the importance of using services if you feel that your health is at risk. Avoiding medical care can lead to reduced recovery rates, and even prove fatal.
The Emergency Departments at both the John Radcliffe and Horton General hospitals are still open to anyone who becomes ill with serious health conditions, including stroke, heart conditions, difficulty breathing, unconsciousness, or heavy bleeding. This also applies to children, with the John Radcliffe having a dedicated Emergency Department for younger patients. All of these are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
Link to news
Medical Care for Pregnant women
“Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is reminding pregnant women in Oxfordshire that medical help is still at hand during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
Link to news
Illness in children
“Paediatricians are concerned that unwell children are not receiving medical support as quickly as usual because of fears about contracting COVID-19, not wanting to overwhelm hospitals or assuming doctors and nurses may be very busy.
Whilst coronavirus is infectious to children it is rarely serious. If your child is unwell it is likely to be a non-coronavirus illness, rather than coronavirus itself.”
Following link ‘Advice for parents during coronavirus - Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health’
Getting help if you have been asked to shield
There are contact details in your shielding letter for the dedicated government helpline for the extremely vulnerable.
The Vale of White Horse District Council/local authority has set up a point of contact for extremely vulnerable residents who do not have their own support network.
Call 01865 897820 (8:30am-8pm Mon to Fri, 9am-5pm Sat &Sun) or email
NHS Volunteer Responders -you can self refer
‘People who have been advised to shield can ask volunteers for short-term help by calling 0808 196 3646 between 8am - 8pm’
Or you can be referred by a health or social care worker.
Getting help for other vulnerable groups
If you are vulnerable or fall into certain categories you can also access help via NHS Volunteer Responder Scheme. Self refer 0808 196 3646 between 8am - 8pm
See below link for details:
Or a health or social care worker can refer you if they feel you meet the criteria to access help.
Vale of White Horse District Council are offering support.
Call 01235 422600 or email
‘Abingdon Corona Virus Community Response’ is a local volunteer service that can help you.
They have a Facebook page.
You can send a request for help yourself or ask someone to help you if you are unable to do this. They normally respond with 24 hours.
You can request help via the following link
‘Oxfordshire All In’ website –you can find all your local support groups and their contact details – simply enter your postcode.
Abimeds – Abingdon Community Medicine delivery
Facebook group
Local information
Vale of White Horse District Council services and advice
‘Healthy Abingdon’ website –resource with advice about local medical services, general support and contacts, food and more.
Covid-19 support in Abingdon –local services and information (Supported by Abingdon Lions Club)
Mental Health
For advice about your mental health there is a new 24/7 dedicated mental health helpline you can call in Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire. (Like 111 but for mental health)
Adults: 01865 904997.
Children and young people: 01865 904998.
(If you are already under Mental Health services, during office hours you should contact the numbers in your own care plan)
Mind website have great information and advice on wellbeing during this time.
Samaritans provide support if you’re struggling with how you are feeling or having a personal crisis
24/7 Freephone 116 123 or
Shout is a UK 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.
Text Shout – on 85258 or go to
Age UK Oxfordshire: Free telephone support service for older people and carers.
Call 01865 411288 and leave your name and number, and you will get a call back as soon as possible. This is a support service that provides advice and assistance to older people concerned during this time. This includes a weekly call to check on how you are, and to help problem solve if you are facing practical problems. (Not an emergency service)
Action for Happiness ‘Coping calendar’- 30 suggested actions to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together.
Physical Health
Mind ‘Walking for wellbeing’ goes virtual
Email to subscribe or for more information
Stay fit at home – videos and activity suggestions from Sport England
Generation Games Age UK –home exercise videos for older people