How your local Pharmacist can help: Ask your pharmacist for advice about choosing the right medicines for common ailments e.g. coughs, colds, sore throats, flu-like illnesses, stomach ache and indigestion, insect bites & stings, cystitis etc.
Ask for advice about staying healthy. Be sure to tell your pharmacist if you are taking other medicines—some medicines are not compatible.
Accident and Emergency Depts: The Minor Injury Unit at Abingdon Hospital, Marcham Road, Abingdon is open 10:00 – 22:30 daily. Staff there are able to treat: minor bumps to the head, sprains, broken bones, fractures and dislocated fingers, minor burns, cuts and bruises, nose bleeds, bites and stings – (unless infected then to be seen by GP), simple ear, nose and eye complaints such as removal of splinters or foreign bodies.
When the Minor Injury Unit is closed the nearest emergency department is the John Radcliffe Hospital in Headington, Oxford. Tel: 01865 741166